ISWE would like to do an official call for abstracts for a virtual event we will be holding on August 16th & 17th 2021! Presentations will be shared as pre-recorded, 5-minute talks, and available to registrants for two weeks after the event begins. This event will also feature several live sessions, including a keynote speaker and panel presentations with question/answer sessions with a varied group of experts, as well as scheduled break out chats between mentors and trainees and other opportunities to network and ask questions of your community virtually.
Abstract submission will open February 1st, and while submission is open to anyone, Student ISWE Members that submit will be able to have their presentations judged by a group of experts. The best presentation will be awarded a Travel Grant to the 8th ISWE Conference in India in 2022!
Check the website for more information in upcoming weeks and email Diana Koester ([email protected]) with any questions.